“Maternal Health” and “Reproductive Health” in North Carolina

My inbox gets jammed with various health-related educational opportunities. For instance, the North Carolina Medical Journal this month dedicated its issue to the field of Maternal Health. This is a division of public health that focuses on health care for pregnant women to assure that the mother and the baby […]

The Handling of the Vaccine is Evidence of a Much Deeper, Systemic Problem

Dr. Malhotra went public questioning the vaccine several months ago. It has become somewhat of a crusade for him; and he seems motivated in part by the probability that the vaccine killed his father. What follows is a fairly remarkable talk. I should emphasize that he is not a conservative; […]

Just When You Thought Things Were Settling Down: More Covid-related Lunacy

Things really have been getting back to something closer to normal. After all we had endured for nearly three years, we began to experience life in a manner that approximates what our previous existence had been. And yet, the Forces-That-Be have considerable desire to build upon all they perpetrated with […]